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Zhengzhou charge, in order to live hope

2022-10-11 08:46:53

July 20, Shanghai, fine.

After a long day of meetings, I finally stopped, made a cup of tea, sat down, and checked my wechat.

There is a lot of information in wechat, I looked at the operation group, there seem to be several cases of hematopoietic stem cell transport today. Bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is currently the most effective way to treat leukemia, the success rate of transplantation can reach 80%, and how to ensure the activity of the transplanted hematopoietic stem cells is very key to the success of transplantation. Ensuring the activity of hematopoietic stem cells, shorter aging and a constant temperature of 2-8℃ are key factors. Delivery of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation is our daily work. The whole team is quite skilled in operation, so there should be no problem. But I did check with customer service.

"Something's wrong! Customer service told me.

"What? What's the problem?" I frowned.

"We have 5 cases of hematopoietic stem cells to Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou rainstorm. Master Wang has arrived in Zhengzhou, but can not be sent in, the hospital was flooded, there are more than two meters of water. Our flight from Kunming was delayed, so we planned to fly to Wuhan and take the high-speed train, but we couldn't get tickets for the train, but the flight left at 17:33." "Said the customer.

"How is Master Wang now?" I asked.

"Stuck on the viaduct, in no immediate danger, unable to move." "Said the customer.

I noticed at this time in the group Master Wang sent a video, Zheng Dayi Affiliated Hospital, a sea of water. I gasped when I saw the picture. I knew trouble was coming.

I looked through my moments and everywhere I saw images of floods in Zhengzhou. At one or two o 'clock in the afternoon, there are people in the circle of friends to make fun of the video "Zhengzhou 5 good places to see the sea!" More than 4 p.m., is the car on the road wading video, after 6 o 'clock circle of friends, is a scene of disaster. The heaviest rain in 100 years, all the roads were flooded and the streets were filled with submerged vehicles or rescue boats.

"Did you talk to the myeloid teacher?" I asked.

"Yes, Mr. Du also repeated attention to safety!" The customer service answered me.

I know that this is a great test for us, but the difficulties have only just begun.

On July 20, one hematopoietic stem cell from Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, Kunming, Yunnan Province, Xiamen, Fujian province and Yueyang, Hunan Province were rushed to the D-1 Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Henan Cancer Hospital and Zhengzhou Third People's Hospital for bone marrow transplantation for critically ill leukemia patients. Another case was reported in Chengdu, Sichuan province, on the morning of July 21.

Each case of bone marrow transplantation not only requires huge manpower and material resources, the key can find a patient from millions of people can match the successful person is very difficult, and mobilize bone marrow donors for bone marrow collection is extremely difficult. The staff of the Chinese Bone Marrow Bank not only need to search in the massive database, but also need to do a lot of publicity, organization, mobilization, planning, and efficient cooperation with collection hospitals, third-party transportation teams and transplant hospitals, so that it is possible to successfully save a leukemia patient. To be able to have such a chance of rebirth, for the patient is very precious. So now, the clock is ticking.

At 7 o 'clock in the evening, my colleague told me that the Jinshui River was flooded at the intersection of two roads where the transplant hospital was located. The coordinator of the hospital told Master Wang, who was transporting Xuzhou stem cells, not to go there. Although know the danger, but in order to the patient's life can early one point to see hope, Master Wang still try to go down the elevated. The staff and coordinators of the hospital were worried about the safety of the special staff and worried about the patient's condition. But the depth of the water, the special mission or failed to enter the hospital.

After the attempt failed, the customer service staff booked Wang into a hotel and asked him to store the stem cells until the rain eased. However, Wang was once again stuck on an elevated ledge, unable to reach the hotel.

I called Master Wang and said, "Master Wang, is everything OK there? I see Zhengzhou rainstorm is very serious!"

"Yes, it's very, very serious. We're stuck on the viaduct now. The water is very, very big down there. Master Wang replied to me.

"You must pay attention to safety, safety is the most important! It's right to be on the viaduct. Stay high." I said.

Master Wang told me twice about trying to enter the First Courtyard of Zheng University, and then told me to rest assured that the temperature in the incubator where the stem cells are stored is 5℃. Considering the hot weather in summer, he brought several pieces of spare ice, so there must be no problem.

Then the customer service report went wrong again. Kunming to Zhengzhou flight, because of heavy rain, diverted to Taiyuan!

Just 15 minutes later, the high-speed train from Yueyang in Hunan Province to Zhengzhou turned back and stopped in Wuhan because the Zhengzhou station was closed.

Thirty minutes later, the bad news came again. Flights from Xiamen, Fujian province, were diverted to Wuhan because Zhengzhou Airport was closed. So far, the delivery of bone marrow stem cells has been blocked in all 4 cases!

By this time, it was nearly 10 p.m., and someone posted a video to wechat Moments: In the dark subway car, the water was up to waist, many people were standing on the seats of the car, talking on the phone anxiously, and the water level outside the car was even higher. And then there's the ferocious flood water rushing into the subway station. It is said to be Zhengzhou Metro Line 5.

The daily rainfall in Zhengzhou has broken a 60-year record dating back to 1951, the news said.

On one side is the towering flood, on the other is the speed of death.

"Mr. Yu, what should I do?" My customer service colleague came to ask me.

I paused, then replied, "Our mission is still to deliver as quickly as possible while keeping our colleagues safe!"

'OK, got it! "They replied.

I know, they are very clear about my idea, this is the tacit understanding developed over the years, as long as we decide, will be no matter the difficulties and obstacles, no matter how much to pay, he (she) they will not sleep, heroic forward, they will be like the tide to the position launched round after round of charge, until they run out of ammunition and food! We will not stop until we reach our goal! I believe them.

"Xiao Song, the earliest high-speed train tomorrow morning, Taiyuan to Shijiazhuang and then to Zhengzhou, Xiao Qu and Zeng Kun, the earliest high-speed train tomorrow morning from Wuhan to Zhengzhou, Master Wang, on the elevated station in Zhengzhou, waiting for the time to deliver. The bone marrow has been stored in the freezer, 2-8℃, no problem." Customer service feedback.

At this time, I saw a message of "Henan rainstorm rescue phone" in the group. It suddenly occurred to me, and I quickly took a screenshot and sent it to the customer service.

Then he called Lao Wang and said, "Master Wang, please give me a location. In case your phone runs out of power, we can know where you are and then we can find you." Soon, Lao Wang returned a location to me.

I forwarded the location to the customer service: "This is the current location of Master Wang, I am worried that you keep contacting his phone will be out of power, this is the rescue phone, if you can't contact, please call the rescue phone to save him!"

"Ok, I'll call now", the customer service, without a second word, immediately action.

"Oh, in addition, Master Wang just said that the temperature of the incubator is still 5℃, report it to the teacher of the myeloid bank, so that patients can rest assured." "I added.

Countless calls to the emergency services, but they couldn't get through. It was up to Lao Wang, I thought. Later it turned out that Lao Wang had also saved a dozen people during this time, and he didn't say anything at that time.

Later, I learned that there were so many people in need of rescue at that time that there was no manpower available to rescue them at all.

Zhengzhou, 21 morning around 1:30, Master Wang reported that the temperature of the incubator is normal.

Zeng Kun in Wuhan and Xiao Song in Taiyuan reported normal temperatures.

21 morning, 6 o 'clock, in Zhengzhou Master Wang has from the elevated down to the ground, but the ground water is still deep, the vehicle can not drive, there are 5 kilometers, Master Wang decided to wade forward. We were all worried, but Master Wang was adamant. He said that the patient's life was important, that this pain was OK, and that he would find a way to overcome it.

At Taiyuan Railway Station at 6:23 am on the 21st, Xiao Song, who was diverted from Kunming to Taiyuan, took a high-speed train to Zhengzhou.

At Wuhan Railway Station, the earliest high-speed train from Wuhan to Zhengzhou stopped running at 6:30 on June 21, so Xiao Qu had to change his ticket to the next one. But by 8 o 'clock, the Wuhan high-speed railway station got word that all high-speed trains to Zhengzhou were suspended. What to do? We immediately arranged a special car, with life jackets, life belts, and rushed to Zhengzhou, and let the driver report the position every hour.

In Zhengzhou, Master Wang, soaked to the skin, stumbled to the gate of a hospital affiliated to Zhengzhou University at 8:24 am. The floor was ankle-deep in mud, and the hall was a mess of post-war ruin. However, the hospital was cut off from water and electricity, the elevator stopped, but also need to walk to the 27th floor! As anxious as the patient upstairs was, Lao Wang was in a hurry. Rushing, dragging tired steps, clenching teeth, in the crowded and narrow and dark stairs, step by step forward!

At 9:34, Lao Wang finally delivered the stem cells to the transplant doctor successfully. The temperature was 7.2℃, which was qualified. Transplant doctors will hematopoietic stem cells successfully back to the child, the child was saved! In such a difficult, special moment, the first hematopoietic stem cell delivery work completed! The people at the scene were moved to tears!

It has been hard and difficult, but our mission is not over. What's more, in the face of this once-in-a-century disaster, everything is unknown.

At 10:05, Xiao Song reported that the high-speed train from Taiyuan to Zhengzhou stopped at Anyang station suddenly, which made the team inexplicably nervous. Said there was a situation ahead. We're not sure if we're moving. It was not until 11:27 am that everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the Taiyuan-Zhengzhou high-speed train started running again.

In Chengdu, bone marrow collection to Zhengzhou has been completed, but the planned flight to Zhengzhou was cancelled due to bad weather. The customer service department discussed with the teacher, immediately changed the plan to high-speed rail, and sent Xiao Sun to Chengdu East Railway Station.

Xiao Song arrived at Zhengzhou East Railway Station at 13:14 am on November 21, carrying the Kunming stem cells, and immediately took a special bus to the Affiliated Hospital of Zheng Dayi. The road is full of water, many areas of deep water, only constantly detour. The hospital was still without water and electricity when Xiao Song arrived. Xiao Song was a thin girl, and climbing the 27th floor on foot was also a great test for her. At 15:31, she finally climbed the 27th floor of the Affiliated Hospital of Zheng Da Yi and handed over hematopoietic stem cells to the transplant doctor at a temperature of 6℃. By this time, Xiao Song's legs were trembling and exhausted. And just like that, we successfully completed the delivery of the second case!

But at 15:59, the bad news came. The high-speed train from Chengdu to Zhengzhou was forced to stop temporarily due to a landslide in Gongyi, Henan province. And to reach Zhengzhou, Gongyi is the only place to go, landslides mean the road. What to do? Shall we immediately begin discussing alternatives, wait or find another way?

At this time, 16:01, Xiamen and Hunan Yueyang sample two cases of hematopoietic stem cells are 13 kilometers away from the hospital, an hour to run 45 kilometers, but in the severe conditions of the disaster has been the limit speed.

At 16:13, on the high-speed train from Chengdu to Zhengzhou, the conductor announced that the train might return to Chengdu due to force majeure. "How is that okay?" We were about to jump at the news. What about the critically ill? What do we say to our selfless volunteers? "No, absolutely not! But who can solve the problem of landslides and get the high-speed trains back on track?

Zhengzhou, 16:25: A case of hematopoietic stem cells sampled from Xiamen was successfully delivered to Zhengzhou Cancer Hospital at 6.2℃. This is the third case of hematopoietic stem cells that we have successfully delivered!

On the Chengdu-Zhengzhou high-speed train, Xiao Sun received a notice at 16:51 that he might let passengers off at Xi 'an. The customer service Department immediately began to study alternative delivery plans, listing the possibilities, as well as possible obstacles and problems, and eliminating them one by one. The car moved slowly and the conductor did not receive the final decision, so he had to listen to instructions while driving. At 17:37, the car reached the vicinity of Guangyuan.

At 18:47 in Zhengzhou, carrying hematopoietic stem cells from Yueyang, Hunan province, Xiao Qu climbed to the 27th floor of the First affiliated Hospital of Zheng Da, whose power supply was still not restored. "It was the first time I had ever hiked up the 27th floor and I arrived exhausted. It wasn't easy. It was an unforgettable experience!" "Said Xiao Qu. We successfully completed the fourth hematopoietic stem cell delivery!

With the last case of hematopoietic stem cells from Chengdu to Zhengzhou left, we all felt that victory was in sight. However, change always comes faster than planned.

At 19:12, the good news came that the Chengdu-Zhengzhou high-speed train had arrived at Xi 'an station, and the flight attendant said that it would continue to Zhengzhou after a short stop. We see hope.

However, at 19:27, the conductor announced that the train could not confirm the departure time due to the heavy rain ahead. After waiting for about an hour, the train slowly left Xi 'an station at 20:37.

Another hour later, at 21:36, the train arrived near Huashan North Station and stopped temporarily. Soon after, the conductor announced that the train might have to return to Xi 'an due to heavy rain and flooding in Zhengzhou.

After going through this back and forth, five or six hours of tossing and turning, neither our colleagues at the time of winging nor the teachers at the bone marrow bank lost confidence in this high-speed train. There is no delay! We want to get off! We immediately planned the second plan and sent it to Zhengzhou overnight by special bus.

But the conductor didn't agree! Because Huashan North is a temporary stop, if a special envoy gets off here, it is in violation of the safety regulations of the railway department! The conductor will also be punished for this.

But time goes by bit by bit, every minute delayed the survival rate of postoperative patients may be a little smaller! How can we waste our time here? Therefore, we had a difficult and long communication with the conductor, telling him the importance of timely delivery of hematopoietic stem cells, how much efforts were made to deliver this seed of life, including the Chinese bone marrow Bank, the donated volunteers and dozens of our staff at the time of Wings, as well as the dying patient in the hospital bed, how much he wanted to live! And time is life! Please make sure that he helps us get off so that we can complete this difficult task.

The conductor was finally moved and agreed to let us off at 22:31.

Go at once! In order to race with time, fighting for every minute, our colleagues, sent two drivers and an off-road vehicle, braving heavy rain, starting from the north of Huashan Mountain, take turns to drive, overnight rushed to Zhengzhou.

At 23:05, the special mission was on its way, reporting a temperature of 5.8 ° C and preparing to add extra ice.

On the road, the leaders of the Red Cross Society of China repeatedly told us to pay attention to the safety of the drivers who were burning the midnight oil. We knew that we had to race against time for the sake of the patients, but only courage was not enough. At the same time, we had to have wisdom to ensure the life safety of every soldier.

The customer service officer said, "Please rest assured, we have specially told the pilot that two people take turns driving the car. When they are tired, they should take a rest in the rest area. Besides, we have brought a life jacket and a rubber boat with us to cope with the harsh environment. We will keep you posted."

At 1:21 am on Tuesday, the Zhengzhou train was 364 km away from the destination, and the driver reported that the temperature of the incubator was 5.5℃. At 4:48, the pilot took a short rest in the service area and continued to Zhengzhou.

After a long journey, the bus carrying hematopoietic stem cells finally arrived at the Third People's Hospital of Zhengzhou at 5:23 a.m. Saturday.

The hematopoietic stem cells from Chengdu were successfully handed over to the transplant doctors at 5:57 am on the 22nd. The temperature of the incubator is 5.5 ° C. The last hematopoietic stem cell was delivered!

After two days and two nights without sleep, the hard work of dozens of people, through air, high-speed rail, special bus, foot and other possible and imaginable modes of transportation, in China bone marrow bank, Teng Yi Bo customer service staff and special agents, drivers, donors, doctors of transplant hospital solidarity and cooperation, overcome one difficulty after another, in the face of a major disaster that has never happened in a century, Fearless and dangerous, finally completed a seemingly impossible task! Five cases of hematopoietic stem cells were safely delivered to the transplant hospital in time, bringing hope for the life of leukemia patients!

Why can do this, our special envoy said: "To do these things is from the heart, from the conscience, we also have children, when you see the children with leukemia that helpless and powerless look, you will want to try to help them. That's what any normal person would do."

Therefore, natural disasters merciless human sentient beings, let us put the light of every life hope into the patient's heart!

Participants in the rescue operation include:

Mr. Du, Mr. Song, Director Gao and other staff members of the Chinese Myeloid Bank;

Dr. Liu, Dr. Xu, Dr. Zhang, Dr. Wang, Dr. Bian, Dr. Zhao, Dr. Li, etc., from the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou D;

Doctor Yang of the Third People's Hospital of Zhengzhou;

Three doctors from Henan Cancer Hospital;

Staff: Liu Yan, Wang Shijiang, Zeng Kun, Liu Pan, Chen Pan, Lu Minghua, Ding Yanli, Wu Di, Yu Zhihui, Xiao Qu, Xiao Sun and Xiao Song.

(By Teng Yi Bo Shi Yu Songhai, July 25, 2021)


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